Descargar A47 for Round Wear Mod APK 2023 -
A47 for Round Wear es una herramienta de A47 for Round Wear que ha sido amada por los usuarios hasta ahora. En la actualidad, muchas personas quieren descargar A47 for Round Wear apk 2023, pero A47 for Round Wear a menudo consume mucho dinero, por lo que A47 for Round Wear mod apk se ha convertido en una actividad más importante. ofrece una gran comodidad para la descarga de A47 for Round Wear mod apk.
A47 for Round Wear ha pasado por muchas versiones a lo largo de los años. A47 for Round Wear 2018, A47 for Round Wear 2019, A47 for Round Wear 2020, A47 for Round Wear 2021. A47 for Round Wear 2023 es la última versión, por lo que A47 for Round Wear 7.0.1 2023 se usa a menudo como palabra clave para las búsquedas de usuarios. ofrece diferentes versiones de A47 for Round Wear mod apk. Contiene las últimas versiones de 7.0.1 MOD para 2023. ¡Descargue A47 for Round Wear 7.0.1 2023 mod APK para Android GRATIS ahora en!
Descripción de A47 for Round Wear Mod APK 2023
Custom watch face for Android Wear like LG Watch Style / Sport / Asus ZenWatch 3 / Huawei Watch 2 /NIXON THE MISSION / HUAWEI Watch / CASIO Pro Trek / Q Founder / Smart Watch3 / Polar M600Features- awesome designer's DigiAna (Digital and Analog) watch face for you.- show wear's battery level (0%-100%)- show phone's battery level (0%-100%)- show weather information (temperature/weather/humidity/wind)- show moon phase/moon age- show solar events(sunrise time/sunset time/count down time)- 7 Drawing Colors for Ambient Mode (Color filter)More watch faces- Visit our exclusive watchface collection for Android Wear on the Play Store to change SETTINGS- Tap 'Android Wear' icon to wake up the app on your phone.- You can find this WatchFace's icon on there.- Tap this WatchFace's icon and you can wake up the setting screen of this.You can find A47 preview icon on 'Android Wear' app's WatchFaces list.After tapping the icon,you can change settings of A47 from the Android Wear show current weather- show temperature (°F or °C)- show wind speed- show wind direction- show humidity (0%-100%)Sunrise and Sunset event graph on the left- show the time of sunrise and sunset- show countdown for sunrise and sunset When daytime, count down for sunset When night, count down for sunriseMoon phase graph- show current moon phase- show current moon ageFor Android 6.0(and higher) phone usersNeed to do following setup procedure after installation. FeatureOption to set your location- Automatically set your location by using location provider.(Low battery consumption)- You can set your location manually.(No battery consumption)Needs PERMISSIONSIt needs following permissions.- INTERNET (Download weather information)- FINE_LOCATION (Specify your location automatically)Please Note* A47 WATCHFACE MAKES NO GUARANTEE OF VALIDITY OF WEATHER.* Please note that technical specifications are subject to change without notice.Settings:Show clock hands- Enabled (Default) =Analog clock hands and Digital mode- Disabled =>Digital Only ModeSettings:Support color mode changing- Auto switch Color mode and Black-and-White mode (when dimmed)- Always Black and White modeSettings:Support Black-and-White mode's color change- You can select Black-and-White mode color from among seven colors.Select 'Color filter at the time of the Black-and-White mode' on the setup screen.Settings:Digits color(Non Black-and-White mode)- You can select digits color from among three colors.Settings:Temperature Unit- °F (Fahrenheit)- °C (Celsius)Settings:Wind Speed Unit- mph (miles per hour)- m/s (meters per sec)- km/h (kilometer per hour)Settings:Color filter for Ambient mode(You can find 'Color filter at the time of the Black-and-White mdoe' in the settings menu)- Default- Blue- Red- Magenta- Green- Cyan- Yellow* Tap the watchface icon on your PHONE to setup.Please note- If you don't like this model please cancel your order in 15 minutes. And try another watch face.More watch faces- Visit our exclusive watchface collection for Android Wear on the Play Store watchface is designed for Round-faced Android Wear Watch.Legal Disclaimer:It is an unofficial watchface for HUAWEI Watch/ L G G Watch R. LG G Watch R ownership reserved by LG.Tested with LG G Watch R*Smartphone and Android Wear must be paired before you use it.[NOTICE]If you have a question,plsease contact our email address in English.
Happymod.gamesA47 for Round Wear MOD APK
Gastar mucho dinero en los primeros días de A47 for Round Wear acumulando A47 for Round Wear en moneda inicial es algo muy doloroso. Happymod A47 for Round Wear mod apk será una mejor opción. A47 for Round Wear usuarios tienen los siguientes comentarios:
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Descargar A47 for Round Wear Mod Apk de Happymod Tutorial
A. Descargue e instale la aplicación Happymod en
B. Busque A47 for Round Wear en la aplicación Happymod.
C. Haz clic en el mod deseado en la lista de resultados de búsqueda de A47 for Round Wear.
D. Haz clic en descargar paquete para instalar A47 for Round Wear mod apk directamente.